GRH On Your Doorstep
Welcome to the new GRH newsletter. We are moving over to an online only newsletter to save on the printing costs which were climbing ever higher. If you haven’t already done so, please do sign up and you will receive the GRH On Your Doorstep direct to your inbox. It’s free and full of local news !
A January Update
A GRH - OYD January update, with news on the river, the sale of the local church, Barney (oh course) and a little bit of local history.
GRH Christmas carols, a great success!
Thank you to everyone who came along to yesterday’s carol singing and pre Christmas drinks and buffet.
A splendid turnout of 70 residents, members and friends gathered in the three streets and, with the help of the New River Shanty Crew ushered in Christmas 2024. Thanks also to everyone who joined us in The Cricketers for a festive buffet, accompanied by Laura Fullan’s wonderful Christmas cake and a glass or two of Enfield’s finest wines!
GRH Christmas Carol Singalong - Sunday 15th December 6:00pm
GRH Christmas Carol Singalong - Sunday 15th December 6:00pm
Meet under the Gentleman’s Row arch at 6pm
We will then spend half an hour singing our way down Gentleman’s Row, Holly Walk & River View before finishing at The Cricketers.
A song sheet will be provided for everyone and The New River Shanty Crew Choir will be with us to swell our numbers and help us stay in tune.
All residents, friends and children are welcome.
“That’s very rare around here!”
So said a resident on River View talking about the increase in anti-social behavior during the past month which, hopefully, now seems to have subsided.
He was most concerned about the damage done to the 183 year old, historically Grade 2 listed Jephcott bridge. The damage was done late one evening when some, possibly drunk, people presumably held the top rail while jumping on and damaging the lower rails.
So – here it is. The replacement for the GRH NEWSLETTER that was printed on paper and delivered to your door.
And the new name is GRH – ON YOUR DOORSTEP
The original was printed four times a year but GRH- OYD will be available only when there’s something to say. It might be things of interest happening in one of our three streets OR as before it might be news of a GRH event.
And this first OYD has a lot to say……